目に見えない紫外線や赤外線のように波長にはそれぞれの作用があります。それは「色」と呼ばれる目に見える波長も同じです。色にはそれぞれの波長があり、作用があります。それは人の心身にも影響を与えます。例えば真っ赤に塗られた部屋に入ると、人は目隠しをしていても血圧が上がります。心を穏やかにする色、心身のバランスを取る色、、Healing art sowyの作品は、様々な色の波長の作用を知り、心身の癒しにアプローチするように用い、お伝えしたい癒しや希望、勇気などを色の作用にのせて作成しています。それは完成した時には見えない部分にも、色の作用を効果的に活かすことをねらった順番や配置で作成されています。




What's New


M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY | artist. | Emi - Healing Art Snowy

M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY | artwork. | Flying Heart

M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY | artwork. | Flower blooming in space

M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY | artwork. | To the future of hope - Let’s go together


2021.9.9〜9.24 ただいまイタリアとスペインにて同時開催される国際現代美術展『D.E.M.O』に出品中です。

Each color has a wavelength, which affects our mind and body.  I create works that incorporate the effects of color in order for us to live healthy and rich.  And the theme of my work is always love and peace.
 By drawing a presence that lives happily in own way, I hope that people who see my work regain their pride and love themselves.
 For example, my work, "flower blooming in space",is drawn as a flower in which each other of the sparkling stars in the space is blooming.
 Even in a thick clouded sky or a windy stormy night, there is always a shining star beyond that cloud.
 In a dialogue between Daisaku Ikeda, the founder of Soka University where I am currently studying social acupuncturist, and French art historian René Yuig, there is a sentence in the following text:  .
” I believe that the dawn of life will come as long as the heart has a light of hope.”
 I want to express my world in my own way and to share the world in which all people live happily in their own way with all the people in the world through my work.